Network Monitoring and Management
To maintain your network, we manage the ongoing updates and security patches for devices across the network. Through 24/7 monitoring, we manage network availability and security. Monitoring can cover the entire network infrastructure, servers, bandwidth usage, intrusion detection, and environmental conditions. Small to mid-sized organizations can have the network security and reliability of a large enterprise.
Firewall Configuration and Management
Firewalls are a key component of network security, but they are only as effective as the administrators who create and maintain their rules. ABN’s certified network engineers understand how to select and configure firewalls to match your organization’s needs.
As part of our multi-layered approach to network security, we also offer network intrusion detection services that not only monitor network communications but can actively respond to malicious activity. These services provide protection against attacks from outside the network and also from unauthorized activity from inside the network.
Spam and Malware Protection
With spam making up 80-95% of all email on the internet, it’s essential to keep spam under control. Besides being an annoyance and productivity drain, spam is also a common point for malware entry into your organization. ABN uses multiple tools to scan and block spam and to protect against malware threats. Our network team constantly updates these tools to ensure that they manage the newest threats and techniques.
Backups, Disaster Recovery, and Business Continuity
ABN can elect and provide the best backup option for your organization, whether it is tape, disk-to-disk, or online. Daily, we manage and monitor server backups and when required, we restore files or entire drives for you.
Through our partnership with Advanced Business Group, we can provide a secure, automated online backup solution for PCs, Macs, servers, and application data. Assured Backup & Recovery is a monthly subscription service with no long-term commitments and no hardware to purchase. It’s ideal for mobile workers and remote offices.
In the event of a disaster, having your data safely backed up is critical, but how do you get the hardware, software, and infrastructure you need to get back to work? ABN can help you identify and prioritize your requirements before a disaster strikes. Then, through our partnership with a major office property developer, your business can quickly relocate temporarily to one of their office centers. There are server rooms and full network infrastructure at these sites so you can resume full operations.